Deuteronomy 8 - Steve Wiggins Daily Devotional

“You may say to yourself, ‘My power and my own ability have gained this wealth for me,’ but remember that the Lord your God gives you the power to gain wealth, in order to confirm His covenant He swore to your fathers, as it is today.” Deuteronomy 8:17-18

I have been in the music business all my adult life. Since 1990, I have been recording music for commercial release, and I suppose I will do it forever. SO much of my identity, how people know and value me, is due to my success as an artist.

My most successful season in the music business was with a band called, “Big Tent Revival.” Having been the chief songwriter and lead vocalist for such an influential band, so it seemed logical to me that when we disbanded for a season (2001-2012), I would have success as a solo artist. Not so.

In 2002, I released a solo project. “SO-LO” is right! It was “so low” on the charts that almost nobody knew I had a CD! I remember thinking, “It’s the same voice and songwriter people were buying last year…what’s the deal?” While there may have been more strategic marketing things we could have done, the bottom line is that the L_rd didn’t prompt favor for my CD in the marketplace. It took a long time for me to accept that.

At the core of G_d’s lessons for me during that particular “wilderness” period, was the reality that my success never had anything to do with my “talent”. Sure, G_d has gifted me to see things from creative angles and given me the ability to sing, but success (or lack thereof) is completely under G_d’s sovereign control. Here are a couple of verses to back-up that thought:

“It’s not by might or by power, but by My Spirit, says the L_rd.” Zechariah 4:6

“Unless the L_rd builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” Psalm 127:1

Why would G_d keep me from selling records? I don’t know, but I’ll ask Him when I see Him…if I’m not caught-up worshipping Him for all eternity!

Personally, I believe He “dried-up my stream” to teach me some lessons and direct me here, writing you this devotional. Years ago, I never would have chosen to work for a Messianic congregation or teach coffeehouse Bible studies. Now, here I am…sharing those wilderness lessons with you!

~Steve Wiggins, Associate Leader, Worship Leader
Shuvah Yisrael
Daily Devotional, Friday, June 20, 2014