Exodus 17 - Steve Wiggins Daily Devotional
“When Moses’ hands (holding his staff) grew heavy, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat down on it. Then Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and on the other, so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down. So Joshua defeated Amalek and his army with the sword.” Exodus 17:12-13
Let’s consider Moses, the leader. As long as Moses’ hands were lifted to the L_rd, Israel progressed victoriously. There is a saying in business, “speed of the leader, speed of the team”. As long as the leader is worshipping the L_rd, those following will respond in kind. If Moses “served as G_d” to Aaron (Exodus 4:16), then the community of Israel got a good picture in today’s passage that it will always struggle (and ultimately fail) if it relies on a human leader’s ability to remain righteously vigilant. It is good to know that Messiah never tires in His interceding, the Ruach (Spirit) never falters in His revelation nor does G_d become exhausted in His intervening on our behalf! We never fail for lack of G_d’s strength, ability, wisdom, or because of a deficit of His upright character!
Then, there is the stone. In Biblical imagery, the “stone” represents remembrance. When his physical resources were exhausted, Moses rested on the foundational memory of G_d’s covenant.
What of Aaron and Hur? No leader is an island, fully self-sustained. Even the greatest leaders need a strong inner circle of lieutenants. These advisers/support managers are recruited, developed and sustained in direct proportion to the leaders’ display of character-over-time. Lieutenants are not a luxury; they are essential to successfully supporting the vision the L_rd has given the leader, and holding him accountable to it. These two men can also represent the L_rd’s Ruach (Spirit), who supports us by revealing the truth of G_d’s Word and empowering us to live righteously.
Now, let’s turn to Joshua. Every military campaign needs trustworthy battlefield warriors. These are men who completely believe in the vision, to the point where they do not sway, even under intense fire. Joshua never left Moses’ side after this battle. It is safe to say he knew Moses better than anyone else. Great preaching is of little value, unless the “pew people” respond by going into the World, willing to wield the sword of the G_d’s Word and rescuing those held captive by sin and the World’s bondage.
The name, “Jesus” is a Westernized translation of the Hebrew name, “Y’shua”, which, by the way, also loosely translates, “Joshua”. Y’shua, (Jesus) is personally the “Word of G_d”, made flesh. (John 1) His victory over death & sin has become our salvation and He is at God’s side, even now. It is His strength and righteousness that we cling-to for salvation! (Acts 4:12)
~Steve Wiggins, Associate Leader, Worship Leader
Shuvah Yisrael
Daily Devotional, Tuesday, March 18, 2014