Exodus 18 - Steve Wiggins Daily Devotional
“Blessed is the L_rd, “ Jethro exclaimed, “who rescued you from Pharaoh and the power of the Egyptians, and snatched the people from the power of the Egyptians. Now I know that the L_rd is greater than all gods because He did wonders at the time of the Egyptians acted arrogantly against Israel.” Then Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to G_d, and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat a meal with Moses’ father-in—law in G_d’s presence.” Exodus 18:9-12
The lesson of Israel’s exodus affected more than just Israel and Egypt. The four people groups most closely impacted were: 1) Israel, 2) Egypt, 3) Kingdoms of Canaan, 5) Moses’ Gentile (Midianite) in-laws.
Israel responded to G_d by following Him. Egypt responded by defying Him. The Canaanites responded by challenging Him, and Jethro responded by believing in Him.
Not since the meeting of Melchizedek and Abraham has the Bible given us such a clear indication of G_d’s acceptance of worship from a people other than Israel. Melchizedek was a priest-king of Salem, and Jethro was a priest of Midian. Neither were Israelites.
What is interesting about Jethro is that he sacrificed and burnt offerings to the L_rd. In the presence of the L_rd, Jethro and all Israel’s leaders ate a meal – Jew and Gentile, together. This is evidence that the L_rd has always accepted the worship of all who acknowledge Him, regardless of nationality. G_d has never had a problem with foreign people, only foreign gods. If foreign people (those outside of the community of Israel) leave their idolatry and turn to Him, He accepts them as if they are His people.
The word “Acknowledgement” means more than mere intellectual ascent, or the belief that G_d exists. It is more of a turning from old ways and beliefs, and a turning to the ways of the L_rd. It is the cessation of false religion, and the assumption of faith in YHWH that constitutes Biblical “acknowledgement”. The absence of Divine protest confirms that Jethro’s heart was considered, “faithful” by the Lord.
Interesting also, is the image of the goyim (Gentile) Jethro bringing Moses’ bride and children to him. In a similar way the Bible says the “nations” will carry the children of Israel back home. It is a beautiful picture of how the mostly Gentile “Church” will share the gospel with the Jewish people, aiding in the reparation of Israel to Messiah, Yeshua.
“This is what the sovereign L_rd says, ‘See, I will beckon to the Gentiles, I will lift up my banner to the peoples; they will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.” Isaiah 49: 22
The Greater Messianic Community (the Church-at-large), complete with Jew & Gentile believers, is literally called the “bride” of Messiah. Revelation 19:7
~Steve Wiggins, Associate Leader, Worship Leader
Shuvah Yisrael
Daily Devotional, Wednesday, March 19, 2014