MP3 |
Message Title |
Passage |
Date |
Speaker |
A New Beginning |
Rev. 22 |
01/04/14 |
Steve Wiggins |
Respect Man And Honor Marriage |
Deut. 21:1-23 |
12/28/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Dishonoring man and marriage brings G-d's anger and curse.
Wise People Still Seek Him 2013 |
12/21/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Finding the Messiah should cause us to believe, receive, and worship Him.
Trust And Don't Compromise |
Deut. 20:1-20 |
12/14/13 |
Larry Feldman |
In difficult times, we should trust G-d and not compromise with the world.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness |
Deut. 19:1-21 |
12/07/13 |
Larry Feldman |
We are to love our fellow man by respecting and caring for each other's life and property.
Hanukkah - The Feast of Dedication |
11/30/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Hanukkah tells us how G-d delivered His people and prepared the world for the Messiah.
Thanksgiving 2013 - An Unfair Exchange |
11/23/13 |
Larry Feldman |
We need to remember and thank G-d for the blessings He gives us.
Hearing G-d's Voice |
Deut. 18:9-22 |
11/16/13 |
Larry Feldman |
We should seek to hear G-d's voice through His message in His Word.
Kings And Priests -
Called To Be Different |
Deut. 17:14-18:8 |
11/09/13 |
Larry Feldman |
G-d's family and community should humbly trust G-d and serve Him only.
Famous Last Words |
2 Timothy 1 |
11/02/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
Rise up and preach the Gospel. Be aware of false preachers.
Truth, Justice, and the G-dly Way |
Deut. 16:18-17:13 |
10/26/13 |
Larry Feldman |
As believers, we should obey the laws of the land as well as the commandments and will of G-d.
Let's Get Together |
Deut. 16:1-17 |
10/19/13 |
Larry Feldman |
We are to get together regularly to celebrate G-d's blessings and faithfulness in our lives.
Called To Be Liberals |
Deut. 15:1-23 |
10/12/13 |
Larry Feldman |
We are called to trust G-d by caring for the needy and not forgetting to give G-d first.
Called To Be Different |
Deut. 14:1-29 |
10/5/13 |
Larry Feldman |
As G-d's children, we are called to be holy and different while we care for the needs of others.
Simchat Torah 2013 - Joy Of The Word |
9/28/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Why should we read and study the Bible?
We should read and study the Bible because it is G-d's gift to guide us through life.
Sukkot 2013 - He Is With Us |
9/21/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Sukkot tells us G-d desires to dwell with, provide, and care for His people.
Yom Kippur 2013 - We Have Atonement |
9/14/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Yom Kippur is G-d's solution to mankind's problem of sin.
Risking It All 2013 |
Genesis 22:1-14 |
9/7/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Risking it all means giving your all.
The Meaning of Rosh Hashanah 2013 |
9/4/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Sounding the shofar means G-d remembered man, will regather His people and calls us to repent.
The Feasts Of Israel 2013 |
Leviticus 23 |
8/31/13 |
Larry Feldman |
The feasts of Israel are G-d's prophetic plan of what He does for His people.
Yamen Levy's Bat Mitzvah |
8/24/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Yamen should serve, love and trust G-d. We should trust G-d's power to save, and live our lives for Him.
Above The Law |
8/17/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Message Outline (pdf) What should our attitude and responsibility be towards G-d's commandments and the Law of Moses? Because the Law has been rendered inoperative, we are now free to observe it or not.
False Prophets and Their Teaching |
Duet. 13:1-18 |
8/10/13 |
Larry Feldman |
We should identify, reject, and flee false teachers and their destructive teachings.
Worship G-d and Don't Compromise |
Duet. 12:15-32 |
8/3/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Believers are called to worship G-d and not be like the world.
Reviewing the Overview of Deuteronomy |
Deuteronomy |
7/27/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Moses' sermons to Israel to encourage them to obey and commit themselves to the L-rd.
Tisha B'Av 2013 A Time To Mourn |
7/20/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Tisha B'Av teaches us even though G-d will discipline and judge sin, He still provides a way for forgiveness and atonement.
Don't Worry, Be Happy, G-d is In Control |
7/13/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Having faith and trusting G-d should bring about a happy, worry-free life.
Yeshua Prays for His Followers |
John 17 |
7/13/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days)
Recorded 5/16/13 via The Living Room (
Yeshua the Good Shepherd |
John 10 |
7/6/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
Nick At Nite |
John 3 |
6/29/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
The Inquisition - Testing the Teacher |
Luke 20 |
6/22/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
Lessons on the Way to Jerusalem |
Luke 13 |
6/15/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
Come Hear & Do |
Luke 6 |
6/8/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
King of the Jews |
Mark 15 |
6/1/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days)
Trial of Yeshua; History of Pontius Pilate; Crucifixion; Death; Burial |
The Shepherd Leads the Way |
Mark 8 |
5/25/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days)
The Feeding of the 4,000; Fishing Miracle; Pharisees Seeking Signs; This Generation; Beware of Leaven; Healing of the Blind Man; Who is Yeshua?
Immersion-Temptation-Action |
Mark 1 |
5/18/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
Shavuot 2013
Invitations & Inquisitions |
Matthew 22 |
5/11/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
The Best of Bread |
Matthew 15 |
5/4/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
Yeshua - Healer of the Lame |
Matthew 8 |
4/27/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
Son of David - Son of Abraham |
Matthew 1 |
4/20/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
(Series: 4 Gospels in 90 Days) |
G-d's Promise to the Land of Israel |
Gen. 12:1-3 |
4/13/13 |
Rabbi Stuart Dauermann |
Yom HaShoah 2013 |
4/6/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
First Fruits - Resurrection 2013 |
3/30/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Palm Shabbat 2013
The Unrecognized Messiah |
3/23/13 |
Larry Feldman |
It's All About Him |
Deut. 12:1-14 |
3/16/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Guaranteed Success |
Deut. 11:16-32 |
3/9/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Obedience and Loyalty Brings
Blessings and Prosperity |
Deut. 11:1-17 |
3/2/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Purim 2013: Sleepless in Susa |
Esther |
2/23/13 |
Larry Feldman |
How Do You Love? |
Malachi |
2/9/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
He First Loved Us |
Deut. 10:1-22 |
2/2/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Rebels Without a Cause |
Deut. 9:22-29 |
1/26/13 |
Larry Feldman |
Sharing Your Faith - Daniel 8 |
Daniel 8 |
1/19/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
Let's Start Over Again 2013 |
1/12/13 |
Larry Feldman |
When All Else Fails |
Daniel 1:1-21 |
1/5/13 |
Steve Wiggins |
Sermon Archives |