These are fellowship groups that gather together on a regular basis with a common purpose. They usually meet in homes or at the Shuvah building, or in some cases online via Zoom. The purpose can be varied from visitation, dance, worship or Bible study. Most of our Chavurot are focused on Bible study.
Here’s a list of our current Chavurah Groups (Home Fellowships)
Please contact our office at for more information.
1. Irvine: Tuesday AM – Meeting in person at WCC at 9:30 AM. Women’s Bible Study, The Book of Psalms
Every Tuesday morning.
2. Irvine: Tuesday PM – Meeting Online at 6:30 PM. Women’s Bible Study, The Book of Psalms
Every Tuesday evening.
3. Kesher Fellowship, Young Adults 18-30
On break – TBA
4. Newport Beach Fellowship – ages 18 and over
2nd and 4th Saturday at 2:30pm